Have you ever wondered what goes on inside the heart and mind of your pastor? What consumes their thoughts and what keeps them up at night? This morning Peter and I are going to give you some insight into those thoughts, as Peter concludes his letter.
1 Peter 4-Because We’re Different
This week Peter reaches the climax of his letter speaking to a group of believers who know that they have come to the intersection of their destiny and he assures them that their suffering is not meaningless, that it producing an incalculable weight of glory. Special music “Thou You Slay Me” by Shane and Shane
1 Peter 3 Because We’re Different part 2
This week Peter will address how Christian households should also differ from their Roman counterparts, showing us how these cultural contrasts are God honoring.
Introduction to 1 Peter-Biscuits & Gravy
Hebrews 11-Faith
Since we spoke about the love of God on Easter, and Hope as a Christian virtue last week, I thought I should round out the series with a sermon on faith, and what more natural place than the Book of Hebrews.
Hope as a Christian Virtue-Reading from the Revelation of John.
Romans 8 tells us that we are saved in hope, but for many hope seems to be a bridge too far. So from time to time the people of God need to have their hope refreshed.
Easter 2021-For God So Loved…Selected Readings From Song of Songs
We all know that God is love, and that Jesus is the ultimate demonstration of God’s love for humanity, but God’s love for us did not begin or end with Jesus earthly ministry. Join us today as we consider this divine/human love affair.
Matthew 21-Palm Sunday
Jesus rides into the shouts of hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
This is Communion Sunday
Matthew 18-Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom?
On their way down the mountain after the transfiguration the disciples have a question for Jesus.
Matthew 17-The Real Jesus
Having realized that Jesus was the messiah and that he was now going to Jerusalem to suffer and die, Jesus takes Peter, James and John for a mountain top experience.