Matthew Chapter 5-The Beatitudes

After going public last week- teaching in the synagogue and meeting the physical needs of those around him by healing the sick, this week Jesus leads his disciples and about 5000 followers to the location of the Sermon on the Mount. He will then begin to elaborate on the good news of the Kingdom of God to those who feel disenfranchised in the current religious climate.

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 1b

In the latter half of chapter 1 we are shocked by the words “i’m pregnant.” Matthew speaking to his fellow Jews is trying to convince them that Jesus is the Messiah they have all been waiting for. As such, he reminds them of a prophecy deferred and a sign given, pointing to the promise of God’s presence with us.

Lord Teach Us To Pray-Luke 11

This sermon is a continuation of a previous sermon on praying through the psalms (what do King David and Bob Dylan have in common), focused this week and next on the Lords Prayer.