The Jesus Way Part 2

The Story of Nicodemus In this weeks sermon we actually get to listen into a spiritual conversation Jesus had with someone.

The Potter’s House

Just six short verses in the midst of God’s warning to the people of Judah, but what power they have as they speak to us about God’s faithfulness and character.

Esther 8, 9,&10-Conclusion

In this concluding message Esther and Mordecai devise a plan to counter Haman’s evil decree and save God’s people. We will wrap up this message with the valuable lessons learned from this series.

Esther 3&4

Have you ever wondered what part God’s providence plays in your life? How much freedom you have to control your own destiny? Join me this week as we explore these questions through the life of Queen Esther.

Esther 1&2-Introduction

Esther is a book with as many plot twists and reversals of fortune as any modern drama. Join us this week as we answer the question: Does God really have a plan for my life, can God really use someone like me?