In our journey to Easter, Pastor Michael chose a passage from John chapter 10 about The Good Shepherd. He describes the heart of a good shepherd and the trust that sheep develop for those who lovingly lead them.
Guest Speaker and friend Chris Chavez
God favors the humble, and our culture is LONGING for authentic, humble Christ followers.
Guest Speaker-Jeff Bassett
Luke 9 The Transfiguration
Revelation 7 & 8
Chapter 7-8:5 wraps up the end of first cycle of judgments upon an unrepentant humanity. For the purposes of this sermon series we will not go through the second cycle (Creation) and the third cycle (Evil Spirit realm) but transition next week from judgement to promise. As I have always wanted the focus of this series to be on the Christian hope.
Revelation Chapter 6
This week John’s vision transitions from the Heavenly Throne Room to the 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse. Chapter 6 begins the scary part of John’s vision with the opening of the first six seals of the scroll. Our question this week is, can God be good and loving if he is also not just?
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Chapters 4 & 5 From our earliest recollections we are captivated by heaven, because as the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes reminds us… God has set eternity in our hearts.” This week we get a peek behind the veil into what John sees of the heavenly throne room.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
chapters 2 & 3
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
chapter 2 (The Letters to the Churches)
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Chapter 1
New Year/New Series
As we begin what appears to be another tough year, my desire is to focus this year on the Christian Hope. Times like ours require a fresh vision of a living, risen, and glorified Lord. Our message today is an introduction to the prophetic vision John received encouraging Jesus followers to remain faithful in trying times. Music credit Cochran & Co.