Sofa Sunday School-Jesus Obeyed His Parents-Luke 2:41-52

Lesson Snapshot


Show your Mom you love her.


Kids will think of ways to show their Mom they love her, other than with cards and gifts.


Luke 2:41-52, The Boy Jesus at the Temple


“Children, obey your parents as believers in the Lord. Obey them because it’s the right thing to do.” Ephesians 6:1 (NIrV)


As a child, Jesus obeyed his parents, and grew in wisdom and stature. The Bible says that his mother Mary treasured all of these moments in her heart. When Mary and Joseph could not ind Jesus, their love and concern was evident. We can show our mom that we love her, by obeying her and treating her and others with respect.

Object Lesson


Brussel Sprouts A thermometer A remote control

What do these three objects all have in common? Believe it or not, all three of these things are used by our mothers to show us how much she loves us.

How many of you like Brussel Sprouts? How many of your moms know you don’t like Brussel Sprouts but continue to serve them to you anyway? Moms know that nutrition is more important than taste buds. They know you need a variety of vegetables. Brussel Sprouts and broccoli and lettuce and squash and zucchini are all good for you, even if they aren’t good tasting. Mom says she loves us by serving us vegetables.

Mom can use the thermometer to show us her love as well. It can be
nerve-wracking, waiting on the thermometer, because that thermometer can mean the difference between going to school, having a day off or even – yipe! – going to the doctor. Mom wants us to be well, and she shows her love by the way she cares for us when we are sick.

Mom also uses the remote control to show her love, but not always in a way we like. She may turn on your favorite show. Or she may turn off a show that’s too grown up for you. Mom wants to protect our minds as well as our bodies, and Moms use that remote control to steer us away from bad stuff.

Moms love us in more ways than we can ever calculate. They are a gift from God. Let’s make sure our Moms know we love them this Mother’s Day, and thank them for loving us – even when they serve us veggies.

Memory Verse


Have the kids create three “coupons” for their Mom. One can be for a free hug or cuddle time, but the other two should be for chores that the kids will do without griping when cashed in.
