Sofa Sunday School-Thankfulness-The Sinful Woman Washes Jesus Feet- Luke 7

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Be thankful for Jesus.


Kids will be able to share what Jesus did to save them from sin.


Luke 7:36-50, A woman anoints Jesus’ feet.


“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8 (NIV)


God sent his son, Jesus, to die for our sins. We can thank God for his amazing love and for wanting a relationship with us.



A box of leftovers

Show the kids what you have in the box. Ask if they can tell what restaurant it is from. Ask them what their favorite restaurants are and if they ever bring home leftovers.

I could have left this food at the restaurant. It wasn’t a complete meal anymore, and
in truth, it will never taste as good as it did when I first got the food. So why did I ask for a leftover box? Two reasons. First, it’s wasteful to just let the restaurant throw the food away. But also… I love this meal! This is good food, and I didn’t want to let it go to waste.

God could have tossed mankind out like leftovers. After Adam and Eve broke the rules and sin entered the world, God’s creation was ruined. It would never be the same. Why would God want to hold on to something so broken?

For the same reason I kept this food; God loves us. He loves us way more than anyone ever loved a plate of food. He loved us enough to sacrifice his son Jesus for our sake.

Jesus is the greatest gift ever offered and the greatest gift you will ever receive. We need to thank God every day for the wonderful gift he has given us in Jesus.

Sofa Sunday School-The Call of Jeremiah



Be thankful for God’s plans.


Kids will choose one talent, gift, or trait God has given them that they are thankful for.


Jeremiah 1, God calls Jeremiah


“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.”
1 Chronicles 16:8 (NIV)


God is our creator, and he has a special plan for all of us. That’s a great reason to be thankful, and a great reason to be obedient.



An apple

Apples are part of God’s creation. God created apples for our enjoyment, and for our nourishment. God put seeds inside apples so that we could plant and grow apple trees, and he created apple trees to grow more apples.

What are some of your favorite treats that include apples?

Every part of God’s creation – from the sun to the tiniest insect – has a purpose. It’s all part of the amazing creation God made for us. He gave us apples, flowers, animals, the sun, moon, and stars to show us that he loves us. And just as God has a purpose for all these things, he has a purpose for us.

God has given each of us talents and gifts that are unique. He has made plans for each one of our lives. He wants us to play a part in sharing his love with our friends. Let’s thank God for those blessings and ask him how we can use our gifts to glorify him.


Have the kids draw a picture of themselves using one of their gifts to serve Jesus.

Sofa Sunday School

Matthew 7-The Foolish Builders & The Narrow Gate

We know exactly where a train is going because the train must follow the track. In our lives, it can be a lot harder to “stay on track” and know which way to go. But if we follow Jesus and build our lives on Him, we can have confidence that we are headed in the right direction.

Memory Verse


Pretend you are a builder. Draw or build a house using what you have at home that could withstand a storm like the one described in the first video.

Sofa Sunday School-Zacchaeus The Tax Collector-Luke 19:1-10

Jesus can give us joy

READ LUKE 19:1-10


For Zacchaeus, life was a joyless ride. He had a lot of money that he had stolen from others. He had few friends, except maybe a few who liked him for his money. He was looked down upon by almost everyone, figuratively and literally.

Zacchaeus wanted more, and he believed he could find more in Jesus. That’s why he climbed the sycamore tree to get a better look at the man from Nazareth. Imagine his surprise when Jesus singled him out, and imagine the surprise of everyone around him! Jesus showed Zacchaeus he was loved. He truly cared for Zacchaeus, and that changed his life. Zacchaeus found joy in knowing Jesus, and that joy was life changing.

Jesus loves every one of us, no matter what we’ve done. If we embrace the love of Jesus, we can have true joy in our own life journeys, just like Zacchaeus!


Have the kids draw and cut out a “money bag” like Zacchaeus might have used to carry money. But instead of a dollar sign, write the word JOY on the outside.

Memory Verse

“Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.” Psalm 112

Last week we felt compelled to ask for donations of “gift cards” for those in our area who are food and housing insecure or have lost their jobs due to the pandemic or been displaced or impacted by the fires. Your response has been overwhelming for which we are deeply grateful. Deb and I are out tomorrow to purchase the cards and combine them with other gifts from the Inter-faith ministerial association to be distributed to the health center, La Luz (rent and utility assistance) and F.I.S.H (local food bank)whose resources have been depleted due to demand.Thank you all