What’s Love Got To Do With It?
This is the story of Rachel and Leah
Sonoma Valley Church of the Nazarene
Find God, Find Hope, Find Rest for Your Soul
What’s Love Got To Do With It?
This is the story of Rachel and Leah
On the run and with some time to think about his situation, Jacob is ripe for a holy encounter. One night while he is asleep on a 500 mile journey to his ancestral home he has a dream. Join me this week as we find out what that is all about.
Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave…
The Death of Abraham and the Smother’s Brothers
A Wife for Isaac / A People for God
This week we will be circling back to the Book of Genesis. We will pick up our story today with the passing of Abraham’s wife Sarah, and the acquisition of a piece of the Promised Land that had been promised to him. It would seem that God does indeed have a plan, not only for his good creation, but for you and I as well.
Our message today is about how to live in the power of the Sprit.
This week we look at several psalms– both those of praise, and those of lament, and how they work together to teach us how to pray. Included are readings from psalm 8, psalm 13, and psalm 5
Guest Speaker Rabbi Steve Finley
We came, we sang, we prayed, we learned and we danced