Sofa Sunday School-David Spares Saul

Lesson Snapshot


We need to love people who are hard to love.


Kids will be challenged to think of someone who is difficult to love and be encouraged to look for a way to be kind to them this week.


1 Samuel 24:1-19, David Spares Saul’s Life


“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)


God chose David to be the new king himself. This made the current king, Saul, very angry. Saul tried to kill David. When David had the chance to get the jump on Saul, he chose compassion rather than anger.

Object Lesson


A pair of scissors

Avengers always have their weapons ready. Iron Man has his suit. Thor has his hammer. Captain Marvel has her fists ready to shoot lasers. David was armed and ready to fight as well when he was hiding in that cave. We don’t know whether he had a knife, a sword, or heck – a pair of scissors, but when he saw Saul come into the cave, he cut off a piece of the king’s robe – and felt very guilty about it.

It’s one thing to say we should love our enemies, but it’s another thing to actually do it. We can’t actually do it until we put away our weapons. We must put aside our anger by forgiving them for the things they have done to us. Only when we put down our weapons can we reach out an open hand and try to be friends with them.

I know it isn’t easy to love someone who is always mean, but you can’t shake someone’s hand when you have something in it. Let’s put away our weapons so we can befriend the people who probably need friends the most. Let’s choose love over anger.


Sofa Sunday School-The Story of Joseph

Lesson Snapshot


We should choose forgiveness over revenge.


Kids will discuss a time they were tempted to try to get even with someone and how they would handle the same situation in light of Joseph’s example.


Genesis 45:1-15, Joseph Makes Himself Known


“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)


Joseph’s brothers had treated him cruelly, selling him into slavery. Joseph ended up in Egypt, where God was able to use him greatly. When Joseph was reunited with his brothers, he chose forgiveness rather than revenge.

Object Lesson


A colorful coat

Imagine being so jealous of your brother or sister over a coat, that you would sell them. Not the coat, but your own brother or sister. Have any of you ever been mad enough you’d try to sell your brother or sister?

A colorful coat, much prettier and brighter than this one, was the last straw for Joseph’s brothers. They sold him to some slave traders and figured they would never see them again. I can only imagine how Joseph felt seeing the men who had sold him into slavery bowing at his feet begging for food.

Joseph still felt the pain of that betrayal, but he chose forgiveness over revenge. He knew God had used his situation to save his family, and he rejected the temptation to strike back.

Joseph is a Non-Avenger who shows us we can resist the temptation for payback. Let’s repay evil with good. Let’s forgive instead of avenge.

Test Your Knowledge

Craft Activity

Have the kids make a super hero mask (to represent how Joseph’s identity was masked from his brothers). Tell the kids the mask is a reminder of how Joseph chose to forgive his brothers instead of getting payback.

Sofa Sunday School-Jacob & Esau-Forgiveness

Many times, Jacob had treated his brother Esau cruelly. He was a thorn in his brother’s side. When the time came for them to reunite, Jacob was afraid. But Esau embraced his brother, choosing to forgive the wrongs of the past.

Lesson Snapshot


Forgiving others can help us to heal our relationships.


Kids will discuss a time they forgave someone and how it felt.


Genesis 32:6-21, 33:1-4, Jacob Meets Esau


“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

Object Lesson


A box of (super hero) band-aids

How good does it feel to rip off a band-aid? The short answer is – it doesn’t! Band-aids are designed to stick and stay, even when they get wet. That means when it’s time to rip them off, we’re likely to feel a little pain. If you think it’s bad to rip one off bare skin, try ripping one off your arm or leg when there’s hair involved. You’re not just ripping off the band-aid. You’re ripping out hair.

The best part of ripping off a band-aid is right after. There’s a relief, isn’t there? Sure your skin may be sore for a minute, but the anticipation of the moment and the moment itself are over. It feels good to have it over and done. The pain is over, and the healing has begun!

It isn’t easy to forgive someone who has hurt you, but once we have forgiven someone, there is relief. We’ve let go of a past wrong. We’ve released someone else from feeling guilty about what they did. Our conscience is clear. I’m sure Esau felt that relief when he forgave Jacob, and I know all of you feel it when you forgive someone who has wronged you. No, you can’t erase the past, but once the forgiveness is given, the healing can begin.

You can’t find relief holding a grudge, but you can if you forgive. Ask God to help you rip off that band-aid so that you can begin to heal.

Craft Activity

Have the kids draw and color a comic strip telling the story of Esau forgiving Jacob. They can make a comic book cover, or do a multi-panel story, whatever they choose to do.

Sofa Sunday School-The Lost Son-Luke 15

Lesson Snapshot


We can forgive others as God forgave us.


Kids will learn they can forgive others because God loves and forgives them.


Luke 15:11-24 The Prodigal Son


“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)


Jesus told a story about a man who had two sons. One son was very rude and disrespectful of his father. His father however, showed us how much God loves us and is willing to forgive us because when the disrespectful son returned, his father welcomed him with a hug rather than punishing him.



Trivia Game

Craft Activity

Have the kids design a logo for a super hero team called the Non-Avengers. They can draw and color their logo, or they can cut and paste construction paper together to make their logo for this super team.

Memory Verse

Sofa Sunday School-Manger Tales-The Magi

Merry Christmas

Lesson Snapshot


Jesus is the greatest gift we could ever receive.


Kids will learn that they need Jesus.


Matthew 2:1-12, The Magi


“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11 (NIV)


Cody came the furthest to be here tonight, carrying visitors from the east. He tells everyone how the Magi followed a new star in the sky to this very spot, and of the gifts they delivered to the newborn king.


Craft Activity

Let the kids cut out and create a camel using construction paper. (You can search online for “free camel templates.”) Punch a hole in the camel’s back, and he can become a Christmas ornament! Or instead, have the kids create and color a crown like the wise men might have worn.

Sofa Sunday School-Manger Tales-Luke 2:8-20, The Shepherds

Lesson Snapshot


God wants everyone to come and meet Jesus.


Kids will learn that Jesus came for everyone.


Luke 2:8-20, The Shepherds


“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11 (NIV)


Sam was minding his business with the other sheep in the field, when an angel appeared in the sky, telling the shepherds that Jesus Christ was born. Sam just had to come with them to meet the Savior for himself.

Object Lesson


Birthday Party Invitation

Of all the cards kids receive, the most exciting has to be a card with money. But if you had to pick a second favorite, it would have to be a card like this. Does anyone know what this is?

This isn’t just an invitation for a birthday party. It’s an invitation for a good time. It’s an invitation to games and good food and cake and ice cream. It’s an invitation to fun!

Invitations make us feel special. Not everyone gets invited to every party, so it means a lot when a friend picks you to come along to Chuck E. Cheese or the bowling alley or wherever you may go.

But God sent an invitation to his Son’s birthday to everyone – to kings, queens, the rich and powerful, and to you. God sent an angel to announce the birth of Jesus to shepherds, letting the whole world know that all are welcome to come to Jesus.

Christmas is an invitation to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Let’s share that good news with others, and let’s commit ourselves to following Jesus.

Trivia Game

Craft Activity

Let the kids create sheep using construction paper, glue sticks, and cotton balls (for a sheep template, search online for “free sheep template.”). Punch a hole in the sheep’s back, and he can become a Christmas ornament!

Sofa Sunday School-Manger Tales-The Birth of Jesus

Lesson Snapshot


Jesus came as a baby so we would not fear him.


Kids will learn what makes Jesus so special.


Luke 2:1-7, The Birth of Jesus


“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11 (NIV)


The stable is Clara’s home, invaded this night by all kinds of visitors. She can tell by looking into that manger that there is something special about this new arrival, Jesus.

Bible Sing Along

Bible Story

Bible Trivia

Craft Activity

Let the kids cut out a cow from brown construction paper (templates can be found by searching the internet for “free cow template”). Punch a hole in the cow’s back, and she can become a Christmas ornament!

Sofa Sunday School-This is Advent-Manger Tales



God wants the world to know Jesus has come.


Kids will learn how an angel told Mary and Joseph about the baby Jesus.


Luke 1:26-38 & Matthew 1:18-24, Angel Visitations


“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11 (NIV)


Doug was with Mary and Joseph for the long trip from Galilee to Bethlehem. Along the way, he hears them tell the story of some very special angel visits proclaiming the birth of a Savior.

Song by the Sidewalk Prophets



Christmas cards

Something is coming. You all have seen the signs. There are lights in the trees. There are decorations hanging from streetlights. The colors red and green are everywhere, and songs we only hear one time a year are playing on the radio.

You can see the change happening in every store you visit. There are trees with lights, red and green decorations, and three times as many toys as any other time of the year are on the shelf.

You can even see it in the greeting card store. Half the store is now taken up with cards created for one special day because more people send cards at Christmas than any other time of the year.

Cards like these will be hitting your mailbox soon. They serve as reminders that we have grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who love us very much. But my hope is that they also remind us that we have a Savior who loved us enough to come to Earth and save us.

God sent an angel to share the good news that Jesus was coming that very first Christmas. This year, as we send and receive Christmas cards, let’s remind ourselves, and our family, why we celebrate the season. God has sent his son to be the Savior of the world.


Let the kids cut out a donkey from brown construction paper (templates can be found online by searching for “free donkey template.”) Punch a hole in the donkey’s back and he can become a Christmas ornament!


Sofa Sunday School-Psalm 138

Psalm 138

Of David.

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;
    before the “gods” I will sing your praise.
I will bow down toward your holy temple
    and will praise your name
    for your unfailing love and your faithfulness.

Object Lesson


A bag full of jelly beans

Begin this lesson by holding up the bag of jelly beans and asking if any kids can guess how many jelly are in the bag?

There’s an actual number of jelly beans in this bag. I don’t know the number myself, but if we wanted to find that number, we could rip open the bag and count them. I doubt we could get very far. These are jelly beans, not marbles, and it wouldn’t be long before we went from counting jelly beans to enjoying them.

That’s exactly what happens when we start to count the things God has done for us. When we start to count God’s blessings, we eventually lose count. We stop thinking about numbers and we start thinking about just how loved we are. God sent his son Jesus to die for us, and God has given us countless blessings on top of that. He’s given us families, friends, the beauty of nature, awesome music, and so much more.

God loves us, and he made this amazing world filled with blessings to show us we are loved. Let’s love God back by counting our blessings and thanking him every day for all of these reminders that he loves us. God’s love, as well as a good way to work your way out of a sour mood. Next time you’re feeling down, count your blessings. See how high you can count before you break into praise for all God has done.

Memory Verse

Sofa Sunday School-Luke 19, The Story of Zacchaeus



We can thank God by giving back.


Kids will think of one way they can show thanks to God by giving this week.


Luke 19:1-10, The Story of Zacchaeus


“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8 (NIV)


God can use us to share his love with others by showing them what he has done for us. We can thank God by giving of our time and our gifts.